Theme: The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations
Dates: 20-22 June 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece
Raghu Garud, Penn State University, USA
Barbara Simpson, University of Strathclyde, UK
Ann Langley, HEC Montreal, Canada (
Haridimos Tsoukas, University of Cyprus, Cyprus & University of Warwick, UK
Keynote Speakers:
Keith Ansell-Pearson, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, UK, author of Germinal Life, editor of A Companion to Nietzsche
Deborah Dougherty, Professor of Management, Rutgers Business School, USA
Jaan Valsiner, Professor of Psychology, Clark University, USA, editor of Culture and Psychology, and co-editor of The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology
Click here for the full call for papers.
Deadline for submissions 31st January 2013
For more details, visit our website: